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Lisa Duncan Paul Colin Framed Print

Lisa Duncan Paul Colin Framed Print


Fabulous large print depicting the famed dancer Lisa Duncan. Designed by Paul Colin in 1928, this stunning artwork shows a stylised figure of Lisa dancing across a piano in the background. She was famously known as the 'long haired and long legged' and her long slender legs are beautifully painted here. Wonderfully stylised in the typical art deco manner.


This artwork is printed on heavy weight 300 gsm professional lustre paper using archival inks meaning the colours will not fade. It has a card mount and the frame is fibreboard. The pane itself is perspex being much safer to hang in a home but also gives the artwork great clarity. Any marks on the photographs are just camera reflection.


Frame size: 53 x 43 x 1.5 cms.


Shipping may take up to 10 days. Please note that framed prints are posted individually and cannot be combined with other items for shipping. 2 framed prints can however be sent together.

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